Month | Day | Year | Hour | Min | Sec | Interval | Units | Repetitions | ||
City | State | Country | |
Teaching Observatory, Texas, United States LAT: 30.572717 LON: -96.366650 EL: 83.00 m |
What the Moon looks like now. |
Produces an image of the Moon for the given date. |
A date selectable calendar displaying the phases of the Moon for the given month and year. All phases are calculated at 0 UTC. Also includes a phase table for the given year. |
A date selectable calendar displaying the phases of the Moon for the given year as a strip chart. All phases are calculated at 0 UTC. |
Date selectable tables displaying lunar and solar eclipses for the given year. |
Produces a table containing the Moon rise, transit and set times for the given date and repetitions. Empty cells indicate the event does not occur on that date. |
A simple lunar atlas for learning the names of features. Click in the center of a feature to view information. |
Displays a table listing features within 2° of the lunar terminator for the given date. |
Produces a table containing UTC, MJD, ecliptic longitudes for the Sun and Moon, Earth-Moon distances and illuminated fraction of the Moon's disk for the given year. |
Produces a plot of the Earth-Moon distance for the given year. |
Produces a table containing the UTC date; local date; apparent geocentric equatorial and horizontal coordinates; and distance for the given date, location and output parameters. |
Produces a table containing the UTC date; local date; apparent topocentric equatorial and horizontal coordinates; and distance for the given date, location and output parameters. |
Produces a table containing the Sun rise, transit and set times for the given date and repetitions. |
Calculate the height of lunar features from photos you've taken of the Moon. Based on the January 1985 article published in S&T magazine. |
An example video created by the Moon rendering engine demonstrating libration over one lunation. |